For On line Registration Pl. complete the form given below
10 days Residential Yoga Siksha Shivir
Any Physically and Mentally fit person in the age group of 18-60 years. The participant should be able to perform various Yogasanas and exercises and partake enthusiastically in Camp Schedule : morning 5am to night 10pm.
Participants should report at Shibir office one day before the camp starts i.e. 31th July latest by 5 pm and can leave only after 2pm of concluding day i.e. 10th August afternoon. Late reporting and/or leaving before the camp concludes are strictly not allowed.
The Syllabus : Yoga Shiksha Shibir
- Study and Practice of Yogasanas & Pranayama
- Yogic relaxation methods, japa and techniques of meditation
- Study of Yoga Darshana & Bhagavad Gita
- Indian Culture & Life and message of great men and women of our country
- Chanting of strotras, bhajans and songs for emotional culture.
- Teaching is free
- Campers are expected to bear the expenditure of board and lodge which comes to 3,500/- per head.
- in case some deserving candidate has difficulty, Kendra may arrange for scholarship
The Camps are fully residential. Simple Bath attached shared room accommodation is provided for Ladies and Gents separately.
Food: We provide simple vegetarian food.
General Instructions:
- Participants should bring their necessary bedding with mosquito-net, a torch light, writing materials, toiletry articles needed for entire duration of the Shibir. (only mattress will be provided)
- Prescribed dress for Yogasana Sessions:
- Prescribed dress for Yogasana Sessions:
- For Men: Any light colour loose T-Shirts and Track suits/Shorts
- For Ladies: Any light colour Salwar and Kameez i.e. Punjabi dress. Tight dress or Jeans are not allowed.
- Apart from Yogasana and Shramanubhava sessions shorts are not allowed for the other sessions.
- Please avoid bringing tape recorders, i pods and other valuable articles.
- Use of Mobile phones is not allowed during the classes.
- Participation in all the sessions in time is compulsory for all the participants.
- Participants should report at Shibir office one day before the camp starts latest by 5pm and can leave only after lunch on the concluding day.
- Late reporting and/or leaving before the camp concludes are strictly not allowed.
- Going out of the campus venue, smoking, chewing of Paan / Paan-Masala, consumption of tobacco / alcohol or any other intoxicants are strictly prohibited.
For registration and further information please contact -
KAUSHALAM, Vivekananda Rock Memorial & Vivekananda Kendra
Bairagiguda, Nr. Hydershakote, Hyderabad – 500091 Telengana
e-mail- kaushalam@vkendra.org
Resident Manager – 9052702940
Project Incharge – 9492099264 / 8411884432
Project Incharge – 9492099264 / 8411884432